Estate Planning Technology: A Modern Guide for Your Legacy

  • By NotaryCam

  • 3 September, 2024

We all know that estate planning is something we should do. But it’s also one of those things that often gets pushed aside. We’re busy, it feels complicated, and let’s face it – thinking about our own mortality isn’t exactly fun. But what if we told you estate planning technology is making the process easier and more accessible than ever? Technology is transforming how we handle sensitive legal matters, including planning for our future.

No more stuffy law offices or mountains of paperwork for your estate planning experience. Estate planning technology can empower you to take control of your legacy from the comfort of your own home. However, choosing the right tools can be confusing. With so many options, it’s important to know what’s available and how it can benefit you and your estate plans.

The Rise of Estate Planning Technology

Not long ago, estate planning meant multiple meetings with law firms, stacks of physical documents, and a whole lot of hassle. Fast forward to today, and it’s a completely different story. Thanks to the power of estate planning technology, it’s easier to create a plan so your wishes are met, your assets are protected, and your loved ones are cared for.

A 2022 survey by revealed that only one in three adults in the US has a will or living trust. Many people put off these essential tasks due to the perceived time and effort associated with traditional estate planning methods. This is precisely why estate planning technology is rapidly gaining traction.

What Is Estate Planning Technology and What Does it Offer?

Estate planning technology enhances the services professionals like lawyers and financial advisors provide. It doesn’t aim to replace them. Instead, it makes their services more convenient, efficient, and often, affordable.

It offers solutions such as:

  • Document Creation Software Platforms: No need to start from scratch. This software helps create legally sound wills, trusts, and other essential legal documents with user-friendly templates and guidance.
  • Online Notarization: This streamlines the often-cumbersome process of getting your documents legally notarized. Imagine doing it from your couch — no more scheduling appointments or driving across town.
  • Secure Digital Vaults: Forget dusty file cabinets. Digital vaults keep all your estate planning documents organized, secure, and readily available to you and your designated representatives when needed.
  • Beneficiary Communication Portals: Estate planning technology simplifies communicating your wishes to your heirs and allows for streamlined asset distribution according to your instructions. This can prevent confusion and disputes after you’re gone.

But it doesn’t stop there — as technology evolves, estate planning software continues to innovate with features such as data aggregation and visualization tools. These can provide a comprehensive view of your financial picture and potential inheritance outcomes, making complex decisions clearer.

Remote Online Notarization for Estate Planning

Estate planning is important to protect your assets and your family. But, sometimes it can be a pain to get everything done, especially the notarization part. Luckily, there’s a new option that can save time and makes things way easier: remote online notarization (RON).

With RON, you can connect with a notary public online from anywhere using your computer or smartphone. You don’t have to drive across town or even leave your house. This is especially helpful for people who have trouble getting around or have a busy schedule.

RON is safe and secure, too. It uses audio-visual technology to verify your identity and makes sure you’re signing your documents willingly. Plus, it keeps an electronic record of the whole thing.

Is RON for Estate Planning Accepted in All States?

Remote online notarization makes things simpler for people who need documents notarized. But what about important stuff like wills and trusts? Can you use RON for estate planning documents in every state?

Well, here’s the thing. While RON is becoming more popular, not every state has jumped on board for estate planning. Some states still prefer the old way of doing things, with you physically present with a notary. This means that although a state may allow RON for some documents, they may not allow it for estate planning documents.

This is because estate planning is serious business. It involves your wishes for your assets after you pass away, and the courts want to make sure everything is legal and legit. They want to be certain that you fully understood and agreed to everything in your documents.

How Estate Planning Technology Can Change Your Life

From reducing stress and saving time to potentially lowering overall costs, embracing this digital shift comes with several key advantages:

Convenience and Accessibility

Remember those days of scheduling appointments and taking time off work to meet with estate planning professionals? Technology is changing that. Now you can handle a lot of it online at your own pace. This accessibility makes estate planning significantly less daunting and fits more easily into our busy modern lifestyles.


Traditionally, legal fees could add up quickly in estate planning, making it cost-prohibitive for some. While using estate planning technology doesn’t eliminate the need for professionals, it can streamline the process. In some cases, it can reduce those fees.

Reduced Risk of Errors

Manual processes come with the risk of human error. Estate planning technology can automate many of these processes, minimizing errors. This ensures greater accuracy, clarity, and legal validity of your estate documents.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that your affairs are in order provides invaluable peace of mind — both for you and your loved ones. Estate planning technology makes it easier to achieve this peace of mind. It also makes it easier to maintain your plan, so it’s always current.

Enhanced Communication

Openly discussing your final wishes with your loved ones is never easy. But these conversations are crucial. Estate planning technology facilitates smoother communication, giving your family clarity on your decisions, and potentially leading to less confusion and conflict in the future.

Personalized Planning

No two situations are exactly alike when it comes to estate planning. That’s where estate planning technology shines — by allowing for personalized planning tailored to your family dynamics, assets, and goals. This customization can mean incorporating charitable giving, establishing trusts, or setting up specific financial provisions for your children’s education.

Embracing estate planning technology doesn’t mean you have to navigate this process alone. Professionals in the field are essential partners who can provide guidance, expertise, and ensure your plan meets your individual requirements and complies with current laws.

While technology continues to shape the future of estate planning, working alongside knowledgeable professionals helps make informed decisions. By blending technology with expert guidance, you can create a solid estate plan. Together, you can create a comprehensive plan to provide security and peace of mind for you and your family, today and for years to come. Remember, starting is the most important step, no matter how small.


Estate planning technology can be incredibly beneficial for managing and organizing your estate. However, it is still crucial to involve experienced estate planning professionals. By blending the best of both worlds – technology and expert human guidance – you create a solid estate plan tailored to your specific needs.